Lumbar Spine Pathology Intervertebral Disc Circumferential Annular Tear medico-legal exhibit 3D animations

2011-07-23 1,251

Lumbar Spine Pathology Intervertebral Disc Circumferential Annular Tear medico-legal exhibit 3D animations. When you sit, stand up, bend or twist, large compressive forces are applied to your spine. There are several factors that determine the ability of your inter-vertebral discs to handle these forces:
your inherited make-up
disc health - worsened by smoking, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, weak muscles, and obesity
poor posture - while sitting, standing and lifting
heavy loads during home, work or sporting activities.
Maximal or repetitive sub-maximal stresses on the cartilage endplate, which sits between the intervertebral disc and the adjacent vertebral body, can damage this endplate.
Endplate damage can lead to fluid loss from the nucleus pulposus of the disc and a decrease in the nucleus' ability to absorb stress. The nucleus becomes drier.
Lumbar Spine Pathology Intervertebral Disc Circumferential Annular Tear medico-legal exhibit 3D animations

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