Cervical Spine Surgery Steriodal Epidural Injection Block transforaminal orthopeadic animations

2011-07-23 1,295

Cervical Spine Surgery Steriodal Epidural Injection Block transforaminal orthopeadic animations. This movie illustrates the technique for performing a cervical transforaminal epidural injection in the supine position. This movie shows patient positioning, skin preparation, local anesthetic injection, needle introduction into the epidural space, contrast injection to check needle tip position in the epidural space, steroid / anesthetic injection, and finally wound dressing and orthopeadic animations. An epidural injection is used to inject medication into the epidural space around irritated spinal nerves. The injected medication can include local anesthetic, slow-release anti-inflammatory steroid and opioid pain-relieving medication. Epidural injections can be diagnostic or therapeutic.
Visit http:/www.medilaw.tv for more information. Cervical Spine Surgery Steriodal Epidural Injection Block transforaminal orthopeadic animations.

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