Wireless Companies Bury Studies, Discredit Researchers Studying Cellphone Radiation

2011-07-22 41


According to Melinda Wenner in the Walrus, "Accounts from a handful of well-respected scientists suggest that since the mid-1990s wireless companies have been doing their best to bury worrying findings, discredit researchers who publish them, and design experiments that virtually guarantee the desired results. “Biological effects are undoubtedly there, no question, and it’s a canard to suggest that they’re not,” says Abe Liboff, a research professor at Florida Atlantic University, and co-editor of the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. The cellphone industry, he insists, “will use any excuse to avoid the truth.”
In the 90s did it's best to bury the research of Henry Lai and N. P. Singh which showed that radio frequency fields similar to those emitted by cellphones damaged rats’ brain cells, and even sent out a congratulatory memo saying “I think that we have sufficiently war-gamed
