Cell Phone and Brain Cancer - Cell Phone Hazards

2011-07-22 7


Cell phones of today may be a health problem of tomorrow. Many leading medical experts and scientists claim. Yet around the world governing bodies have been cautious in their warnings and restrictions in relation to the use of mobile phones.

Are we caught in a tug-of-war between environmental alarmists on one side and susceptible officials on the other? Who should we believe if anyone at all? http://www.cellphoneradiationprotection.com/reports/cell-phone-and-brain-cancer-02.shtml

"Given the immense numbers of users of mobile phones, even small adverse effects on health could have major public health implications," states an World Health Organization fact sheet.

Cell Phone Cancer?
According to WHO there are an estimated 1.6 billion mobile phone subscribers worldwide today. In Trinidad and Tobago recent figures put mobile phone users at over 300,000.
