Who In Their Right Mind Would Erect A Cell Phone Tower 28 Feet From A School?

2011-07-22 26


When I was researching this article I was looking for a statistic to quote on the exponential growth of cell phone towers, or base stations as they are called this side of the pond. I didn’t find one. I know it must be pretty impressive.
Sure we need cell phone towers. But do we need them 28 feet from an elementary school? What town could be dumb enough to erect a cell phone tower that close to a school? The town is called Huntington Beach in the good old US of A (California actually).
Below is a video on this issue. I wanted to share this with you because it such a strong testimony to the outrage of a community on this issue. You can see mums and dads expressing genuine concern over the well being of their offspring, and rightly so. I support them 100% and I support all the other communities facing similar action by the cell phone industry.
