Cell Phone Tower Radiation May Be Killing Plants And Animals

2011-07-22 316


Ever wondered where the butterflies, some insects and birds like sparrows have vanished? Well, your constantly ringing cell phones could be responsible for this.
A study conducted by three departments of Panjab University has found that cell phone towers are the dominating source of electromagnetic radiations in environment in the city and this could lead to diseases in plants and animals.
The study was conducted by Centre for Environment and Vocational Studies, Department of Botany and Department of Zoology from December 2005 to September 2006. Dr V P Sharma, Dr R K Kohli, Dr H P Singh, Dr D R Batish and Dr Upma Bagai were involved in the study.
It was found that there are 199 mobile towers in the 52 sectors and industrial areas in the city. Of these, 74 per cent are present in the Southern sectors and the remaining in the northern ones. The measurement of radiations was done at 100 metres,
