treatments for eczema - remedies for eczema - eczema in babies

2011-07-22 83 - treatments for eczema - remedies for eczema - eczema in babies

Eliminate Your Eczema in as Little
as 10 Days

My name is Susan Clark and I suffered from
eczema, just like you, for my entire life
until I found a cure.

My eczema started at an early age.

By the age of 5, I could barely sleep at
night because of the intense itching.

My mother took me to my pediatrician who
said that I had dry skin and instructed
her to use lotion on me 3 times a day.

At 7 it had worsened.

I would scratch so hard during the night
that I would wake up with blood on various
parts of my body.

My mother again took me to the doctor.

This time the doctor told my mom to give
me Benadryl.

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