Bheeshma - Full Length Telugu Movie - N.T.R - Anjali Devi - 02

2011-07-21 3

According to the Mahabharata epic, Bhishma lived a great life with dignity and honesty. He groomed heirs of three generations (one - that of Vichitra Veerya, second - that of Pandu and Dhritarashtra and the third one belonging to Pandavas and Kauravas) in his life time. His birth, the events of his life time are interestingly narrated in this classic produced in the year 1962. Film opens with a scene in Brahmaloka. Significantly the film ends with Bhishma attaining the Brahma padam(eternal bliss or moksha). The cursed Ashta Vasuvus (eight divine souls) pray Ganga devi to be their mother on earth. They reveal her that her eighth kid will make her proud, with his life on the earth. He is none other than Bhishma himself. The Viswaroopa Darsanam scene of the film, reflects the cinematographic skills of the yesteryears. This film is a must for the entire family.