Olly entertains the Police guarding the American Embassy in London. I think this song is brilliant, and the comedy half way through with the (very friendly but unhuggable) Police makes me laugh, even though it's my own video. LYRICS BELOW: if you dont renew your tax disc THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU they can use their jedi mind tricks, psychometric, biometrics THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU cctv in your clamshell, turning in the grave of Orwell THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU dna no longer your own because they've mapped out your genome Be careful what you say when your on the phone Because they know where you live and when your on your own daddies watch your daughters, there's Prozac in the water THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU don't start a revolution; they'll get you with their air pollution THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU because you think we are paranoid, their forces are still deployed THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU they get your details in the dole queue, now they know you they're going to get you Be careful what you say when your on the phone Because they know where you live and when your on your own they'll look you up for them its not hard so look your best on your id card THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU they can make your life living hell if you even mention roswell THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU THEYRE GOING TO GET YOU