EMF Radiation from Cellphones and Wireless Routers

2011-07-21 118


Electromagnetic fields radiation (EMF) has been a hot topic for several years – especially since the growth in popularity of EMF emitting devices such as cell phones and wireless routers. So should we be concerned about EMF radiation from cell phones and wireless routers? We discuss the risks and precautions you can take in today’s guide.

Dangers of EMF Radiation
The dangers of electromagnetic radiation have been increasingly researched in recent years. There is no denying that numerous electronic devices that we use on a daily basis such as cell phones and wireless routers emit radiation – but what dangers does this pose?
There is highly contradicting evidence related to the dangers of EMF radiation. Some researchers claim that high levels of exposure to EMF radiation can increase your risk of leukemia, brain tumors, heart problems, cancer, chronic fatigue and more.
