Cervical Spine Medial Branch Nerve Block Spinal Facet Joint Injection witness opinion videos

2011-07-20 2

Cervical Spine Medial Branch Nerve Block Spinal Facet Joint Injection witness opinion videos. This movie illustrates the technique for performing a cervical medial branch nerve block. This movie shows patient positioning, skin preparation, local anesthetic injection, needle introduction over the medial branch nerve, contrast injection to check the needle tip position, steroid / anesthetic injection, and finally wound dressing and witness opinion videos. The facet joint connects the inferior articular process of the vertebra above, with the superior articular process of the vertebra below. Adjacent vertebra are connected by a right and left facet joint. They are sometimes referred to as zygopophysial joints or z-joints. A facet joint can be a source of neck pain. Visit http:/www.medilaw.tv for more information. Cervical Spine Medial Branch Nerve Block Spinal Facet Joint Injection witness opinion videos.