Cervical Spine Percutaneous Laser Inter-vretebral Decompression Discectomy pain management presentations

2011-07-18 355

Cervical Spine Percutaneous Laser Inter-vertebral Decompression Discectomy pain management presentations. This movie illustrates the technique for performing a percutaneous laser cervical discectomy. This movie shows patient positioning, skin preparation, local anesthetic injection, cannula insertion, laser insertion and conversion of some nucleus material, instrument removal, herniation retraction and wound dressing. The pressure of the bulge against the surrounding structures causes neck pain and the pressure against the nerve root causes arm pain. Percutaneous discectomy is a minimally invasive disc decompression technique which is performed through a needle. See attached pain management presentations. The discectomy removes some nucleus material from the intervertebral disc whilst minimizing damage to the adjacent tissues. Visit http://www.medilaw.tv for more information. Cervical Spine Percutaneous Laser Inter-vretebral Decompression Discectomy pain management presentations.

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