Cervical Spine Anatomy Intervertebral Disc Annulus Pulposus Nucleus FIbrosus orthopedic multimedia

2011-07-18 1,262

Cervical Spine Anatomy Intervertebral Disc Annulus Pulposus Nucleus FIbrosus orthopedic multimedia. Shows the position of the cervical discs and a horizontal cross-section view of C6-7. Also shows disc movement during compression, and flexion-extension, with a close-up of the C6 nerve root during flexion-extension at the end. Looking at the inside of an intervertebral disc, we can see the fibrous outer annulus which has the consistency of a pencil eraser. The annulus provides the strength. The softer water-filled jelly-like nucleus acts as the shock-absorber. The whole disc carries 80% of the load through the neck. When you sit, stand up, bend or twist, large compressive forces are applied to your spine. There are several factors that determine the ability of your intervertebral discs to handle these forces. See the attached orthopedic multimedia. Visit http://www.medilaw.tv for more orthopedic multimedia. Cervical Spine Anatomy Intervertebral Disc orthopedic multimedia.

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