Find out how I use the Best Spinner to make my articles copyscape approved instantly. Also, my Auto Profit Machines post articles automatically already spun by The Best Article Spinner. Completely unique.
This is how you get to try The Best Article Spinner for 7 dollars.
1) Copy this link and paste it in your browser.
2) Watch some of the video (if not all of it) for about 30 seconds.
2) Close the tab
3) Open a tab and paste the link in again
4) This time you will see the message "purchase your access for 7 dollars for 7 days".
5) Once you get the trial and download software, go to "Help On Using The Best Spinner" and download pdf's "The Best Spinner Quick Start Guide" and "The Best Spinner IN-DEPTH Guide" (you can view these later at your leisure)
6) Go to the "How To Create Copyscape-Passing Articles FAST" video and go from there. This is the fastest way to utilize this software. You still want to view the other videos also.
You won't spend 3 days trying to figure it out either. Pretty straight forward. Clear instructions. Use it right out of the box took me about 74 minutes. Because I did not view the videos to completion.
*Keep in mind that after 7 days you will be billed 77 a one year's access so if you cancel (you probably won't) do it on the sixth day of your trail period. (Another secret. If access thru the wp-Robot, like on the video, it's 47 dollars a year)
*It may say "purchase for 77 dollars a year",if it does go to step 2
If you close before 30 seconds trial offer may not come up.
website for demonstration: