Media Reports on Livestock Farming's Planet-wide Impacts

2011-07-16 25 – Current Media Reports on Livestock Farming's Planet-wide Impacts. Episode: 1706, Air Date: 17 May 2011. Script
Greetings, environmentally aware viewers. Today, more and more people are realizing that meat consumption is exceedingly unsustainable, causing tremendous damage to our health and the environment. Meat and dairy production is the leading factor in deforestation, which alone causes about 20% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. But scientists recently have found that calculations of the carbon intensity of beef production, which drives the deforestation, may have been underestimated.

On March 7, the reputable research news source, ScienceDaily, explained in an article titled, “Brazilian Beef: Greater Impact on the Environment Than We Realize.”

“Increased export of Brazilian beef indirectly leads to deforestation in the Amazon. New research from Chalmers and [the Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology (SIK)] in Sweden that wa