20 July 1999 - Persecution of Falun Gong in China

2011-07-15 6

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20th July,1999 was a dark day in China.

The Chinese regime launched a brutal persecutory campaign across China to eradicate the peaceful practice of Falun Gong ( also known as Falun Dafa, www.FalunDafa.org), using any and all means necessary.

They practiced Falun Gong or Falun Dafa (www.FalunDafa.org), a peaceful spiritual practice for the mind and body with emphasis on building moral character. Nothing beyond that!

In order to hide evidence of 6-10 Office sanctioned crimes, police and government officials are ordered to cover up all murders. They ‘Report all Deaths as Suicides’ and ‘Cremate Bodies Immediately’

Throughout the past 12 years, Falun Gong practitioners all over the world have continued with an unprecedented campaign that is strictly non-violent and non-political.

Countless Chinese citizens continue to find peace and spiritual fulfillment through the practice.