Understanding Baby Clothing Sizes - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Understanding Baby Clothing Sizes Choosing the right size for your baby can be a little bit confusing, so I've got a couple of tips. Um, the first thing is, generally sizing for babies is indicated by their age. So, you've got zero to three months, three to six months, six to twelve months and up. Some brands, however, just say, this is a three month size, or, this is a six month size, or, something like that. Well, you have brands, um, that do that, they just have one specific month, then I kind of think of that as the maximum. So, buying something that's just for three months, you only to want to buy that up to three months, because you kind of think of that as the upper limit, I think you will. Another thing that's important to know is there's a lot of variety in between brands. So, a three to six month size in one brand could be very, very different than a three to six month size in another brand. So, two pieces of advice, in this respect, one is to get to know your sales person. Find a valuable sales person at the store who knows the brands and can give you some guidance on what runs big... , what runs small. Another idea is to bring a onesie or dress, whatever it is that you are trying to find more of... , bring it with you to the store. So, if you can say, "Okay, I'm bringing in this one piece of clothing that my" son or daughter "wears all the time, and, it fits perfectly." And, then you can just literally hold the two articles up side by side and do a comparison. And say, "Okay, I'm going to get her something that's exactly the size... ." Or, maybe you want to get something that's a little bit bigger. So, ask a sales person for help, because it can be confusing. Or, bring something with you for guidance, and, that should help, uh, solve your sizing dilemmas.