Supreme Master Ching Hai & Radio for Peace International

2011-07-14 118 – Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by Radio for Peace International May 26, 1994 Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan). Episode: 1703, Air Date: 14 May 2011. Script

*I am Dr. Richard Schneider,broadcasting live from Taipei,Formosa (Taiwan). As my guest tonight,I have Supreme Master Ching Hai. Today we have been at an exciting and extraordinary event,the International Human Rights Conference,which has been sponsored by Master Ching Hai's Association. The reason for this interview is we want to give a voice to the pain of the refugees of the world,and I believe there is no better voice for that pain than Master Ching Hai. Master Ching Hai,what do you want the world to know about the refugee situation?

@You see,last month your radio station has helped broadcast the suffering of the Vietnamese refugees inflicted by the government because they have monitored nearly 2,000troops,armed forces,and used hundreds,hundreds,hundr