Saperstein: Liberal Social Views and the Jewish Tradition

2012-02-01 226

Saperstein: Liberal Social Views and the Jewish Tradition
Chautauqua Institution - Chautauqua Amphitheater
Focusing on the areas of religion, media, government, education, and academia, the 2 p.m. Interfaith Lectures will present the ethical and moral imperatives that come to bear in the obligations of religion to motivate and to assist these sectors in engaging citizens to pursue the common good for all.

Chautauqua, according to the late, great Teddy Roosevelt, is "the most American thing in America." It's also the country's oldest ideas festival. Since its founding in 1874, Chautauqua has attracted the likes of Amelia Earhart, FDR and Susan B. Anthony. The rich tradition continues in 2011. Speakers include New York Times contributor Stanley Fish, groundbreaking religious commentator Karen Armstrong, leading foreign policy analyst Robin Wright, noted historian Gordon Wood and several others. Take advantage of this exclusive offer from and the Chautauqua Institution, and join the discussion as these important thought leaders address the most pressing issues facing America and the world.