Interview - Gâtechien in art uber alles

2011-07-12 129

Gâtechien : - Formation en 2002 - S/T (maxi 6 titres), 2003 - 2 (maxi 6 titres), 2004 - 3 (EP 9 titres) (Keben Records / Milkpack Records), 2005 - Live à la Nef (LP) 2006 - Nombreuses tournées européennes (Angleterre, Allemagne, Belgique, Danemark, Ecosse, Espagne, France, Hollande, Italie, Luxembourg ...) - 300 concerts

"Gâtechien's music is raw, stark and harshly compelling. Bassist/singer Laurent Paradot torturously carves out leads while spewing agonized grunts, groans and syllables that don't sound like words in any language, or occasionally humming along with his own bass parts. Drummer Florian Belaud's complex beats make up in energy for what they sometimes lack in precision; he and Paradot have enough rapport that a third band member would be unnecessary. The songs are disjointed in structure but flow intriguingly from one dark melody to another. If they were more polished or polite, Gâtechien might be just another math-rock band, noteworthy only for their lack of guitar - but the brutal vocal antics alone would keep them from putting anyone to sleep. For an overall impression of Gâtechien, a bad translation of one opinion about the duo is quite apt: "This group is likely to put a good slap to you". " Splendidezine (USA) ..

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