Fi News #110: AirMaria Visits Chris Fawcett a Steadicam Ope

2011-07-11 110

Fi News #110 - On a Steadiseg in Amsterdam ( 03min) >>> Play
Ave Maria!
While I was researching Steadicams and Glidecams on the internet, I came across Chris Fawcett, a steadicam operator out of Amsterdam, Netherlands. I emailed him some of my questions, and he responded in a way I wasn't really expecting; he took me serious and gave me his full attention. I told him we'd be in Amsterdam and asked if we could stop by? So on one of the days that we had partially open I called him. He made us some good coffee, gave us tips on how to operate a steadicam; what's good for the back and what's not, showed and let us try some of his very expensive media equipment, including his Steadiseg. He also gave us a tour of his side of Amsterdam, took us to a deli and bought us lunch. Fantastic sandwiches, washed down with a cold coke.
Chris and a friend of his invented a knee controller for the Segway that makes it possible to operate a camera in a very versatile way while moving. The day that we