Bush on Iraq Iran & Syria Oct 25 2006

2006-10-26 1,168

This small portion of video is AFTER the Presidents 16 minute speech October 25, 2006. (The Questions & Answers with the news media was another 45 minutes.)

The reporter, Jessica, asks more questions about "Iran & Syria" due to what Bush has said in the past and what he mentions in his speech today.

In the presidents speech today, he mentions this:

" A distinguished independent panel of Republicans and Democrats, led by Former Secretary of State Jim Baker and Former Congressman Lee Hamilton, is taking a fresh look at the situation in Iraq and will make recommendations to help achieve our goals.

I welcome all these efforts.

My administration will carefully consider any proposal that will help us achieve victory."

The link to the President's FULL TEXT speech found here:

Apparently, the "Baker Panel" report will not officially be released until AFTER mid-term elections. (Nov. 7th, 2006)

Some articles regarding the "Baker-Panel" found here:

Or just Google : " Baker Plan Iraq Iran Syria " and you will find much more. James A Baker was also on several TV news channels talking about this as well earlier this month.

Basically what this is:
The Baker panel - called the Iraq study group - was formed in response to a proposal by members of Congress in March. Mr Baker, who served as secretary of state under the first president Bush, sought - and won - Mr Bush's endorsement.

And what they came up with: Two options under consideration would involve withdrawing American troops in phases, and bringing Iraq's neighbours, Iran and Syria, into a joint effort to stop the fighting.

Bush did NOT bring up the suggestion of what the Independant Commission suggests : splitting Iraq into Sunni, Shiite, and Kurdish Regions. But he did make mention of the Baker Panel today in his speech.

IRAN & SYRIA a solution to Iraq?!
Absolutely unbelieveable!