Kundalini Yoga - Wide Steated Dynamic Forward Fold - Women's Fitness

2011-07-01 10

Kundalini Yoga - Wide Steated Dynamic Forward Fold - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Kundalini Yoga - Wide Steated Dynamic Forward Fold Hi, I am Kelly Wood with Karuna Yoga. We are going to take a Wide Seated Dynamic Forward Fold, which is excellent to open to hips to strengthen the lower back and helps to open up the entire back body. So, we are going to take the legs out to the sides and lets have these knees and toes straight up to the sky. Inhale, center arms overhead, exhale turn to one side and fold. Come on up center, breathe. And exhale other side. Inhale, nice and tall shoulders release, exhale. One more, breathe it in and exhale. And just come on back to the center, bend the knees, come on back to the easy pose. Breathe in and breathe out.