Tai Chi: Ward off Left into Ward off Right - Women's Fitness

2011-07-01 52

Tai Chi: Ward off Left to Ward off Right - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats.

Tai Chi: Ward off Left into Ward off Right

Hello, my name is Tiffany Chen, I am from William C.C. Chen Tai Chi Chuan and we are going to practice Ward off Left into Ward off Right.

Begin with your feet shoulder width apart, arms down at the sides. Exhale, relaxing and let the weight sink into the balls of the feet and now shift the weight into the left leg. Let the energy spiral down, so that has only one choice way to come back up and help you spin open to the right, bring in the right palm on top, left palm underneath, spinning on the heel of the right foot.

Now, shifting the weight into the right leg and gently stepping out with the left foot, shifting into the left foot now, sinking and now turning in on the heel of the right foot, lifting the left palm up in front of you and the right palm drops down by the thigh. And now turn to the left, palms facing each other as if you are holding a beach ball on the left side of the body. Sink in to left leg so that the right heel naturally comes up of the floor and spinning open to the right on the ball of the foot of the right.

Step out with the right foot, shift, sink all the way down into the right leg, exhaling, relaxing and now turning in on the heel of left foot and its as if the ball shrinks in front of you, palms facing each other and relax. And this completes Ward off Left into Ward off Right.