Well, it seems as if Google is at it again. Confirmations are coming in across the globe that Page Ranking is dancing around –
The thing that interests me about this is not so much that Google is messing with their algorithms again, but how their actions can encourage you to think more strategically about your websites and business.
Yes, it’s frustrating; however, where is the opportunity in all of this?
I’d like to hear your comments on this, but what seems to be a good motivation take-away here is focusing more on your site visitors. If you’re more conscious about guiding them through your content trail with the goal of getting them to sign up for your list, do you have to wring your hands over Google’s actions?
Google can’t mess with your list, right?
So, as a result of these Google changes you have several options for how you are going to respond.
For the full story go to: www.YourResearchDiva.com