chinese qigong - qigong chi kung - medical qigong - qigong training

2011-06-29 148 - chinese qigong - qigong chi kung - medical qigong - qigong training

Shaolin Qigong is NOT:

* It doesn’t involve going to the gym – and paying expensive membership
fees months in advance. You know why they make you pay months in advance?

Because they know that you are statistically very likely not to be there for long –
(In the article Time Management Facts and Figures by Dr. Donald E.Wetmore,
it says that 90% of those who join health and fitness clubs will
stop going within the first 90 days).

* Expensive supplements or pills – and let’s face it most people who
take dietary supplements don’t need them and they just end up as expensive urine.

chinese qigong - qigong chi kung - medical qigong - qigong training

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