Ceramic sintering at 1200°C_iCSM_Podor

2011-06-28 3

Ceramic sintering observed in situ in the ESEM chamber using the high temperature stage. This movie was recorded using a Quanta 200 ESEM FEG, at ICSM (Institut de Chimie Séparative de Marcoule - www.icsm.fr ), by Johann Ravaux, Renaud Podor, Henri-Pierre Brau, Nicolas Clavier, Nicolas Dacheux, Laurent Claparède.

Please refer to "Dynamic aspects of cerium dioxide sintering: HT-ESEM study of grain growth and pore
elimination", by Renaud Podor; Nicolas Clavier; Johann Ravaux; Laurent Claparède; Nicolas
Dacheux; Didier Bernache-Assollant, accepted in the Journal of the European Ceramic Society for more information