Parenting: Teaching Social Etiquette to Kids

2011-06-25 103

Parenting: Teaching Social Etiquette to Kids - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats.

Etiquette, ideally, is our expression of good feelings. When we say 'Thank You', ideally that is an expression of deep gratitude. We share when we are generous, we give something. Its usually, ideally it is an expression of wanting to give to somebody else. And so we will want to teach children etiquette, it is important to recognize that we don't want them to just be giving lip service to gratitude, and compassion, and generosity, but we want them to actually be feeling it.

So while it is important to teach them that 'Yes, we do say Thank You when some one gives us something', what is more important is to understand what gratitude is and how to feel about it and what that is about. So ideally we are teaching children to be compassionate good souls before we are trying to get them to express it.