Scientists Say Marine Life Facing Mass Extinction

2011-06-24 233

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The world's leading marine scientists have held a meeting in London to discuss the current dangers facing the earth's ocean. The scientists have come to an alarming conclusion about the future extinction of marine species and are now calling for action to halt further damage. This story from NTD's Gina Shakespeare.

A group of the world's leading marine scientists and ecologists have come together for a meeting in London to compile a report on the state of the earth's oceans.

[Chris Reid, Professor, Marine Institute, Plymouth University]:
"The change we're seeing at the moment is taking place extremely rapidly, it's the speed of change, we're seeing levels of PH in the oceans now that probably haven't been experienced for 55 million years."

They scientists warn "that the world's ocean is at high risk of entering a phase of extinction of marine species unprecedented in human history."

[Dr. Alex Rogers, London Institute of Zoology]:
"I think if we continue on the current trajectory we are looking at a mass extinction of marine species."

According to the findings, over-fishing has taken its toll by reducing some commercial fish stocks populations by more than 90 percent. But it's not just fish, other parts of the oceans eco system such as coral reefs are degenerating at a faster pace than expected.

[Charles Sheppard, Professor, Warwick University]:
"Around the world, probably about a quarter to a third of reefs have actually died, a third are in imminent danger of following suit."

The scientists also found that causes of past extinctions of marine species are now happening again. Nicknamed the "deadly trio," they are a lack of oxygen, ocean warming and acidification.

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