Springnet 453 - SXSW 2012 Panel Picker party

2011-06-21 138

On Monday June 20, SXSW officially launched the SXSW PanelPicker process for choosing panels for 2012 SXSW Interactive with an awesome party at the Hangar in downtown Austin, TX. It was the ultimate mixer and the perfect social gathering.

The SXSW PanelPicker is gathering programming ideas from their community for the 2012 season.

Tammy and the rest of the SXSW crew trotted out "the new and improved SXSW PanelPicker interface" and gave out free drink tickets, and providing a great mixing ground.

The event was at the Hangar Lounge at 318 Colorado Street from 6:00–8:00pm on Monday, June 20.

SXSW will be accepting proposals from Monday, June 20 until Friday, July 15. Online voting on these PanelPicker proposals will kick off Monday, August 15.

In this video: Trey Gramann, Earle Hager, Omar L. Gallaga, NPR, William Martin "Bill" Leake, Richard McClellan, Keepstream, Silona Bonewald, Tim Gasper, Hurricane Party, Sheila Scarborough, Brian Massey, Aimy Wiley, Brandon Wiley, Elizabeth Quintanilla, Tammy Lynn Gilmore, Jon Lebkowsky and Sherry Lowry