Bulk Material Tote Dumper

2011-06-16 1

http://www.nbe-inc.com/convey This automated bulk material handling system provides a total process solution for moving highly fragile food product through multiple process operations into bulk storage for temporary holding prior to final packaging. Bulk totes of the food product are nested into a lift carriage; the tote is sealed to a custom-designed bulk tote discharge hood. The tote is vertically conveyed to a 23-foot discharge height. During tilting of the tote, optical sensors ensure a maximum product discharge drop distance of no more than 5 inches throughout the entire 150º tote rotation. Three stages of vibratory conveyor then move the highly fragile food product through two stages of high-speed image processing and sorting to ensure the material maintains its original characteristics throughout processing. The finish-processed food product is then moved into a storage tote using a reverse-tilt fill method.