Amazonas Animals Brasil (2)

2011-06-15 214

There are thousands of plants, all in different colors, sizes, and shapes. There are also many other living organisms that have their homes in these plants.
The Amazon river Basin has a tropical rainforest climate. Annual rain fall is approximately 1500–2500 mm.Day temperatures typically reach 30-35°C, while night temperatures reach 15-25°C.
The climate consists of two seasons, a "dry" or low-water season, and a wet season during which the rivers flood adjacent low lying forests.
Amazonia is very sparsely populated. There are scattered settlements inland, but most of the population lives in a few larger cities on the banks of the Amazon and other major rivers, such as in Iquitos (Peru), Manaus and Belém (Brazil). In many regions, the forest has been cleared for soy bean plantations and ranching (the most extensive non-forest use of the land) and some of the inhabitants harvest wild rubber latex and Brazil nuts. This is a form of extractive farms, where the trees are not cut down.

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