Entitlement Cuts Pose an Unrealistic Hardship to Elderly

2012-02-01 51

Entitlement Cuts Pose an Unrealistic Hardship to Elderly
Commonwealth Club - The Commonwealth Club of California
Susan Jacoby is the author of The Age of American Unreason, Alger Hiss and the Battle for History and Never Say Die. Jacoby unmasks the fallacies promoted by what she calls 21st century hucksters of longevity -- businessmen predicting that 90 may soon become the new 50 and that a "cure" for the "disease" of aging is just around the corner, and wishful thinkers asserting that older means wiser. Today, as the oldest boomers turn 65, it is imperative, says Jacoby, to distinguish between marketing hype and realistic hope about what lies ahead for the more than 70 million Americans who will be beyond the traditional retirement age by 2030.