Catastrophe for Japan’s Coastal Communities - P2/3

2011-06-08 7 – PLANET EARTH:OUR LOVING HOME Tohoku Earthquake: Catastrophe for Japan’s Coastal Communities – P2/3. Episode: 1665, Air Date: 6 April 2011.

Greetings, insightful viewers, and welcome to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home. This week we examine the wasteful taxpayer-funded subsidies given to the livestock industry. We'll also look at the efforts to tax animal products to lower consumption and help reduce global warming, revive Earth's eco-systems and enhance public health.

The onset of the Industrial Age in the early 1800s brought about major changes in human activities in areas such as manufacturing, mining, transportation, and agriculture. And over the last 50 years, especially in developed countries, consumption of animal-based foods; namely, meat, fish, eggs and dairy products has been on the rise. Specifically, back in 1950 world meat consumption was 47-million tons and by 2005 it had risen to an incredible 260-million tons, or over five-times the