Canna Facts and Canna Plants

2011-06-04 1 Canna Facts and Canna Plants.

The canna family, Cannaceae, is comprised of one genus Canna and more than fifty species. Most gardeners choose canna plants for their colorful leaves and blooms to enhance their garden's ornamental or decorative appearance.

Excellent dwarf varieties include Bangkok Yellow, Chinese Coral, Jester Pink, Japanese Rose, Orange Punch, Pink Angel and Porcelaine Rose.

Medium to tall size varieties include Cleopatra, North Star, Picasso, President, Red Futurity and Richard Wallace.

The foliage ranges in color from different shades of green to beautifully variegated leaves.

Canna cultivars with variegated foliage include Bangkok Yellow, Pretoria, Stuttgart and Tropicana.

Canna plants need regular watering and fertilizing with any fertilizer high in Nitrogen. Regular dead-heading of spent flowers results in an attractive floral garden display.