“Discover what you need to do before you begin marketing yourself.”
For me marketing myself took my consulting and coaching business from zero to me having hundreds of Consulting Clients in five years.
So exactly how do you do this “marketing yourself” thing?
It’s real simple…marketing yourself is all about creating your brand. Now I don’t mean go out and hire a stylist and a photographer. I mean define what your central message is and start getting the message out into the world.
Let me give you an example using myself so you can learn how to define your central message. I discovered after having an epiphany that I was a person of tremendous value and that all my success was due to that fact. Since I was able to define this as my mission statement I now live my life by it and promote others to do the same. I even included two whole chapters about being a person of great value and the law of value in my book. Everyone who knows me or has ever worked with me knows that I not only deliver more than expected but that I encourage everyone else to do the same.
The point being before you can begin marketing yourself you need to define what your central message is. Are you a person of great value? Perhaps your more about cutting through the bull and deal with everyone with a no-nonsense approach? Or maybe your just all about creating excitement. Whatever it is before you can begin marketing yourself properly and honestly you need to create your brand by defining your central message.
Let’s skip ahead and say you’ve had some time to think about it, asked your closest friends and associates and now you have finally defined your central message, now to get on with the self-promotion.
So exactly where should you start?
Well how about starting with your friends and family? Marketing yourself effectively is all about being exactly who you claim to be. Successful marketing is all about delivering what you say your going to deliver. If a movie is marketed as being hilarious and funny but falls short in the ...