Indonesian Journalists Assaulted by Police

2011-06-01 111

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A case of police assaulting journalists in Indonesia was filed a week ago. The reporters were attacked while police tried to block a parade of the Falun Gong spiritual group. One of our own NTD reporters was one of the victims. Here's more on that story.

In Indonesia's East Java, police questioned three journalists on Wednesday, May 25th to investigate their case.

The journalists had become the target of police brutality in Surgabaya on May 7th while they were covering a local parade of the Falun Gong spiritual group.

Police blocked the parade--triggering a violent outbreak. They forced the journalists to shut down their cameras and beat them.

The four journalists were Lukman Rozaq from Trans7, Septa Rudianto from Radio El Shinta Surabaya, TVRI cameraman Joko Hermanto and our own NTD reporter Eko Oscar Nugroho.

The Legal Aid Center for Press attorney, Mr. Atoyillah is helping the journalists file their case.

[Mr. Atoyillah, Legal Aid Center for Press]:
"I think our purpose of getting this process going, is not just to punish somebody, but also to make sure that all laws that can be used to protect press freedom, can really be implemented."

Some practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual group were also wounded in the incident.

They protested in front of the Chinese Consulate in Surabaya, on May 21st.

They believe the Chinese embassy influenced the police to block their parade.

The East Java Police spokesperson Comr. Rachmat Mulyana has confirmed local authorities are following requests from local Chinese communist officials to suppress Falun Gong activities.

[Milianda Tantri, Coordinator of Falun Gong Protest]:
"This action is related to our parade that was stopped, causing riots and making four reporters get beaten. Some Falun Gong practitioners were also wounded...