Chinese Riot Police Arrest Dozens in Inner Mongolia Protest

2011-06-01 200

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There are reports that nearly a thousand people protested in the streets on Monday in Hohot, Inner Mongolia—a region in northern China. Last week, there had been a string of protests there by ethnic Mongolians. But Chinese security forces had clamped down hard over the weekend.

The U.S.-based Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center said in a statement that on Monday morning a protest happened anyway—but it was smaller than many expected. The protest lasted about an hour before riot police stopped it, and arrested dozens of participants.

China's Foreign Ministry spoke on the issue Tuesday as part of a regular press briefing. Spokesperson Jiang Yu blamed the protests on foreign forces:

[Jiang Yu, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson]:
"As for outside forces that are trying to stir up trouble and cause disturbance through this, they have hidden agenda."

She did not specify who the outside forces are, or what their hidden agenda might be.

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