Gum Disease Consequences & Kidney Failure, by Kaz Zymantas, Children Dentist, Naperville, IL

2011-05-26 42
Dr. Kaz Zymantas, a children dentist from Naperville, IL talks about negative effects of gum disease. When someone has a gum infection or gum disease, the blood is easily poisoned because the mouth is a gateway to the blood stream and the rest of the body and blood system. Ladies who have gum disease are more prone to produce premature births and other birth defects. People with gum disease make it harder for their immune system to work because it is constantly fighting the germs and bacteria in their mouths, thus making them more prone to becoming ill.
Dr. Zymantas serves the cities of Aurora IL, Warrenville IL, Eola IL, Wheaton IL and Woodridge IL.