Taiwan Premier Urges Chunghwa to Continue Contract with NTD AP

2011-05-26 110

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Taiwan's government has voiced support for our partner, NTD Asia Pacific in its contract dispute with Chunghwa Telecom. At a meeting on Tuesday, Taiwan's Premier told Chunghwa to continue its satellite service with NTD AP—even if it means finding a new satellite for the station.

Taiwan's Premier Wu Den-yih (pronounced Dwen Yee) is urging the island's largest telecommunications company to continue its satellite contract with NTD Asia Pacific, the station's spokesperson Theresa Chu said on Tuesday.

The call comes three weeks after Chunghwa Telecom refused to extend its service with NTD AP. The current contract will expire in August.

Since that decision, domestic and overseas legislators have voiced support for the station. Many want Chunghwa—which is partly state-owned—to uphold Taiwan's democratic and press freedom principles. NTD AP is known for broadcasting uncensored news on China to the region.

Chu says Premier Wu affirmed the need for Chunghwa to protect Taiwan's democratic principles during a cross-departmental meeting on Tuesday. Chunghwa's President, representatives of Taiwan's telecom regulator and NTD AP's spokesperson attended the meeting. (0.06-0.14 in footage)

[Theresa Chu, NTD Asia Pacific Spokesperson]:
"Premier Wu made three clear decisions. First he affirmed NTD as the yardstick for freedom of speech, and that Chunghwa's operations should expand beyond commercial decisions, and protect the government's position of democracy and rule of law. We can see Premier Wu as being set on this issue."

Chunghwa Telecom has argued that a satellite changeover means it wouldn't have enough bandwidth for NTD AP's signal. On Tuesday, Premier Wu told the company to find ways to make the service possible.

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