TV3 - Els Matins - Una solució per a la fuita de petroli del Golf de Mèxic?

2011-05-24 47

Al golf de Mèxic continuen pendents de la fuita de petroli que des de fa més d'un mes llença milers de litres de cru al mar. De moment s'han vessat al mar 160 milions de litres de petroli que només per a British Petrolium han suposat pèrdues de més de 1.000 milions d'euros. Avui 11 de juny, l'Antonio Ortiz ens vol mostrar un invent que, segons diu, podria ser la solució definitiva a aquest problema. ------------ A solution for the oil spill: A catalan inventor, Antoni Ortiz, has just patented an invention that, according to him, could resolve the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. It consists of a magnet and a resin that, once merged, become solidified and could adhere to the hole and seal it. The invention can easily fuction 5,000 feet below the surface. The inventor claims that BP should buy his invention in order to resolve the problem as soon as possible. He publicized his invention today, june 11th, in TV3, the public Catalan television, which is based in Barcelona.