Bin Laden's Death Triggers Painful Memories

2011-05-19 67

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The killing of Osama bin Laden is not necessarily a moment of joy for family members of the New York Twins disaster victims. Our reporter spoke with an Israeli family whose son died in the Twin Towers disaster on September 11, 2001.

Dov Shefi was on his way to sports practice when he heard on the radio about the death of Osama bin Laden.

At that moment a sharp and painful memory struck him - the memory of his son who died in the Twin Towers disaster.

He turned his car around and drove to the cemetery.

[Dov Shefi, Brigadier General (Res.), Attorney-at-Law]:
"First of all I started to cry in my car, and then I was sitting by the grave of our beloved Haggai and wept. My beloved Haggai."

Shefi tells of that fateful day in which the disaster happened.

He and his wife Esther went through hard-to-bear minutes, until it was evident that the worst had happened.

[Dov Shefi, Brigadier General (Res.), Attorney-at-Law]:
"So, I called him, I did not hear his voice, I heard only his voice on an automatic machine, so my wife insisted on calling his wife. I tried to call his wife. At first the phone was occupied, and after a few minutes I talked to her and she confirmed that he was in one of the towers of the World Trade Center because he was invited to address before hundreds directors of banks about his company's production."

The difficult and gruesome images on television confirmed the worst for the family

[Dov Shefi, Brigadier General (Res.), Attorney-at-Law]:
"Then we saw the crash of the south tower first, and afterwards the crash of the northern tower. We did not know exactly in which tower Haggai was, but the fact that the two towers have crashed down, it gave us a feeling of 99% that Haggai was taken from us."

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