COBSON - Like a bike without brakes . Clip Officiel

2011-05-18 23 CobSOn is an indie band from Montpellier, France formed by Anna Muchin, Yannick Gomez and Laurent Bencharif. Drums and two guitars (and a piano), thats CobSOn, and at the beginning the no bass player concept seemed weird but little by little it became one of the bands characteristic trumps. 2005 WM Recordings releases CobSOns first EP Wasted? (Annas solo project). Anna meets Yannick G. and Laurent B, who join her. The band keeps the name CobSOn. Dead Bees Records brings out its Sampler4 with CobSOn and The Brianjonestown Massacre, amongst others. 2006 After some recording sessions, Here We Come (2nd EP) is released and distributed by Believe on all the major music download sites (iTunes, Virginmega, Fnacmusic, etc.) and WM Recordings brings out two bonus tracks on iTunes. The Man Who Knows and Tears and TV (from Annas EP Wasted?) form part of the soundtrack of Katerina Evaggelakous movie (best filmaker 2002), shortlisted for the 2006 edition of the cinematic festival of Thessalonique. Dead Bees Records release Sampler5 the bands song Social Disaster. 2007 The trio records the single Like A Bike Without Brakes. CobSOn plays next to international bands (The Bishops, Ilenes Barne, ) and is short-listed during the 2008 edition of the Printemps de Bourges contest. On the occasion of Victoire 2s 20th birthday (one of the main concert halls in Montpellier), CobSOn is invited to play unplugged on 7LTV. Meanwhile, the band launches a new concept on ebay: the "whenever, wherever show". The best bidder chooses when and where he/she wants to see the band perform. Dead Bees Records chooses Love Without A View to be on its new sampler, also featuring The Black Angels. 2008 Gigs in Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, Short-listed by the Fnac contest, CobSOn shares the stage with Armand Meliès and other national artists. On Dead Bees Sampler7, CobSon is this time next to the December Sound with The Thing. Works of Rinôçérôse and also The Chase feature Anna. The Addm 34 team (a departmental organisation supporting music) chooses CobSOn for its 2008 edition. 

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