Invisalign for Misaligned Teeth, by Implant Dentist, Floral Park, NY, Dr. Jay Piskin

2011-05-18 22
Cosmetic dentist located in Floral Park, NY, Dr. Jay Piskin speaks about invisalig dental braces and the advantage towards straighten misaligned teeth. Invisalign braces are performed by orthodontists or a dentist. Invisalign braces are also known as invisible dental braces, also proven to be the best available option to substitute conventional braces, due to a better appearance. The invisalign dental procedure claims to be less painful than the one with conventional braces. The invisalign cosmetic dental procedure helps individuals who have been struggling with crooked teeth, want to address their smile and their overall appearance. To obtain more information please visit your local dentist or hygienist. For more videos visit the following link.