How lord krisna initated Arjuna to fight in mahabharata when Non-voilence is the ultimate soultion

2011-05-18 500

I have a question what do you think about the lord krisna who initate arjuna to fight against his own brothers in mahabharata? Non-voilence is the ultimate soultion of every problem. like killer angulimaal when he came in the contact of lord buddha he completele transformed or like a mahtama gandhi who alsways follow the path of ahimsa , but why lord krisna and SRI RAM did not use the way of non-voilence. It means non-violence has not enough power to change the people and the quality of their mind? Gurumaa: Well, it seems to me either you are a Jain or you are a Buddhist else why would you begin to compare Rama, Krishna with Buddha. Every situation is different & every Masters way of working is different. And you have no right to compare Rama & Buddha. When a surgeon operates upon a patient, can a surgeon be called a killer or a butcher? Isnt it brutal, he is going to use his scalpel and open up the patients stomach and further going to use other instruments to remove the tumor & sometimes even organs? For example, if someone has frost bite on his foot or some septicaemia has happened to a part of the body and that part has to be amputated. Or some accidental case is brought to the emergency room and the arm or the leg needs to be amputated and the surgeon is doing that. Would you call that surgeon a violent person, would you say that this person or doctor should have a non-violent approach? Well, if you are a logical person, you can understand what I mean to say. Sometimes it is required, and Krishna & Rama were performing these surgeries for the sake of society, because that was the only alternative in front of them. They were facing the tumors, they were facing the egoistic tumor of Kansa, of demons and over there you cannot have a debate or discussion with a demon who is ready to kill you and you may say, well get killed, so what. But if you get killed; you meaning the great enlightened person; if you get killed, all the good things which would have been possible through you for society, or for the whole world are not possible then and people are deprived of that. And that is the reason Shashtra, Shashtra meaning scriptures, & weapons are used very duly, in a very balanced way. I would like to quote an episode in Krishnas life where Shishupal was heavily abusing Krishna and Krishna, in a very calm way said, Well, I have promised your mother that I will pardon your hundred mistakes. So be careful because I am counting. Shishupal went on & on and Krishna joyously just kept counting - 22, 23, 24, 25. Shishupal was hurling abuses and said all bad & nasty things to Krishna in front of a great assembly of all great people and when it came to 98, Krishna warned Shishupal that now you have the leverage of just 2 more mistakes, watch it. Still, Shishupal went on and then 99, then 100, and then Krishna used his discus to chop off Shishupals head. Can an angry person or violent person hold his patience for this long? I do not think so. When you take any medicine, dear Jitender, at that time, you too are violent as all those bacteria & viruses which are creating disease in your body would get killed. So in that case, you shouldnt even take any medication because what does medication do? It is just going to kill all those unwanted bacteria & viruses in your body. Even that is violence. Have a broader look, do not be a narrow minded person. Everything has its usage under the sky, violence and non-violence too. Non-violence is a great thing, great, great thing. So many Sufi-Fakirs were slaughtered and they died smilingly, never complaining to God for being killed. Actually, in Sufism, death is considered as a final moment where one meets his Beloved, Allah. So on one side, slaughterers are taking away his precious life but the Sufi fakir is celebrating even death and allows the slaughterers to slay him, to kill him and he still blesses that person by saying, You are helping me to get joined with the Existence. Body is the only obstacle in between me and infinitum Brahma and now I will be dissolving in that and you are taking away the last hurdle, this body. Violence and non-violence are both part of life and Masters use both as and when it is required to do so. And Mahavir, Buddha, Krishna, Rama cannot be compared. They are different, unique, and different from one another. They are flowers which cannot be compared as a rose is a rose, a lotus is a lotus but even a cactus is very beautiful if you have an eye to look and understand the beauty.