Dental Flossing, Cavity & Gum Disease Prevention, by Sarkis Aznavour Dentist Newhall, CA

2011-05-17 39
In this video Dr. Sarkis Aznavour Dentist Newhall, CA speaks about dental floss. Dental flossing is necessary. The purpose of both brushing and flossing is to reduce the number of bacteria which inhabit the mouths. If you do not floss and allow plaque to remain in between teeth it eventually hardens into a substance known as tartar. Unlike plaque which can be easily removed by brushing, tartar can only be removed by your dentist. Over time, levels of more dangerous types of bacteria build up within tartar. Irritation of the gums will occur and gingivitis will build in the mouth. All symptoms mentioned will happen if you don't floss you teeth. Dentists recommend coated dental floss of any brand, because they slide easily between teeth. However, any floss that you can get between your teeth and which does not fray or break easily is good. For more videos visit