India Releases Eight Pakistanis Who Crossed Border

2011-05-12 331

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India released eight Pakistanis at a border check-post on Wednesday. They had been serving prison terms for trespassing into Indian territory. The border between India and Pakistan is often poorly marked, and dozens of people are in jail in both countries for crossing the border.

India's paramilitary Border Security Force has handed over eight Pakistani prisoners to the Pakistan Rangers at a border check-post in India's northern state of Punjab.

After completing their jail term in India, the prisoners were allowed to cross over to Pakistan on Wednesday.

The Pakistani nationals were arrested in India for trespassing into Indian territory... some of their terms were 10 and 26 months.

[Zulfikar, Released Prisoner]:
"I was going and by mistake, I did not know that I am on the border and I crossed it."

Dozens of Indian and Pakistani nationals are detained in jails in both countries.

However, the notoriously slow nationality verification procedure causes delays in their release.

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