Feng Shui in Interior Design of Your Home

2011-05-06 222

Feng Shui in Interior Design of Your Home - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats.

Hi, I'm Mary Bokovoy, owner of Hood River reDesign, and there is, obviously, a lot of talk these days about introducing Feng Shui into your home. And what that is, if you're unclear, is basically about adding a sense of energy and peace, balance if you will, into your home. Basically filing it with good vibes. And how can you do that?

As a starting point, you want to look at your space and add color whenever possible. Looking at your walls, and your accessories. Sometimes we have a tendency to go very safe, very neutral, but where can you add pops of color or gentle color to your walls is a good place to start. Next you want to add greenery, plants into your home. And even if you're not a greenthumb like me, I can't keep anything alive, just emphasizing views of said plants outside are, you know, is a great strength.

And then lastly, you want to avoid clutter, which is pretty obvious. But again it's a challenge at our homes. I mean if cleaner the lines you have, focusing on processes to eliminate a lot of your, you know, taking your paper work and just getting it into the recycling quicker. And you know just, even things on the coffee table, minimizing them, putting things, for example, in trays and in compartments looking at your storage options. Like the last thing that just came out, it's really popular, is storage augments, putting the toys in the blanket, in the all the stuff that gets taken out and hiding things away, and just having a more peaceful aesthetic in your home will create that Feng Shui, good vibe feeling.

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