Maldivians Protest over Rising Prices

2011-05-05 34

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Protest in the Indian Ocean nation of the Maldives are continuing this week... over rising prices and government mishandling of money. The country's opposition party leading the protests says it won't stop until the president steps down.

Maldivians are continuing their protest in the streets of the capital city this week, calling for the resignation of their president.

Video footage aired on local media showed riot police chasing protesters down the streets of Male on Tuesday.

At least 52 have been arrested and scores injured, including 10 police officers, since demonstrations began on Saturday (April 30).

Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets to protest against soaring goods prices and alleged government mishandling of money.

The protests have been led by a faction of the party that ruled the islands under former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. The opposition says it will not stop until current president Mohamed Nasheed steps down.

Presidential spokesman Mohamed Zuhair said in a statement that Gayoom was (quote) "taking advantage of the economic situation to cause violence in the streets."

Nasheed was elected president in the country's first multi-party election in 2008 ending Gayoom's 30 years of one-party rule, but the country has recently struggled with soaring food prices and unemployment.

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