Viva la Vida Pro-life Youth Festival : WYD, Madrid, 2011 : Promo

2011-05-04 8

The Viva la Vida! Festival for 2011 will take place in Madrid as part of World Youth Day 2011. The magnificent Circulo della Belles Artes de Madrid, in the centre of Madrid city, will be host to the 3rd International Youth Conference on the 17th of August 2011. We are excited to join with hundreds of thousands of young Catholics to directly answer Pope Benedict's urgent call to protect life.

The Viva la Vida! Pro-life festival will be one of the main pro-life events taking place during the week, and promises to be a great day, with inspiring speakers, live music and a festival atmosphere. We have already been in touch with pro-life organizations throughout the world, who will join us to celebrate life and to be united in what the late Pope John Paul II called "the most important work on earth."

If you are thinking of heading to Madrid in August, be sure to get in touch with us for what will be our biggest and best international event yet!